Thursday, March 01, 2007

what is that

february was a tumultuous month. storm of thoughts, both heavy and light; drenchings in sudden bouts of memories; the mind in the mood for lightning and thunder. who are we? why are we here? are we human that's why we have our chemistry/physics/biology? or because we have our chemistry/physics/biology we are human? what is god, this idea so dear to our kind? i feel god, so what is it? yes we have a certain money comfort, yes we have running water and electricity, yes we are doing many things we are supposed to do but are we leading the life we are meant to lead, that life and that only life that can centre our sense of happiness? is it the human being's job to just do and never ask? is happiness impossible? what is happiness? what is honesty? what is love really really really? is the mind only a brain thing or a brain heart gut thing? will i look nice in that black and white saree?

o so many thoughts.

something is coming together inside. and so this posting on the first day of the third month of the year that i shall be 47 (o but you don't look it! should that please me or not?)

which brings me to "namaste": i salute that place in you that is, ("st" old ancient sound, etymology online says: is
O.E. is, from Gmc. stem *es- (cf. O.H.G., Ger., Goth. ist, O.N. es, er), from PIE *es-ti- (cf. Skt. asti, Gk. esti, L. est, Lith. esti, O.C.S. jesti), from base *es- "to be." O.E. lost the final -t-. See be.) that is. that in me which is. and in you. and in yours, and in every single human being on our bewildering and bewildered planet ("why are they giving people little golden statues for saying they should take care of their home, me?" earth must be wondering.)

suddenly, that "is" of me feels like my essential reality and yours too. that is who we are and that is where we are connected, we are one. and that is encompasses god, life, mind, love, everything.

peculiarly powerful presence. is. that which makes me me and you you.

another thought.

thought. is there more to thought? does this thing without material existence have an existence more real than things? can thought do more than mere action sometimes? i'm doing an experiment: i have started thinking about things that i'd like to happen. clear, strong, unencumbered with self motives thought. when i worry about somebody i actively think of them with love wishes connection. when i really want something in my life i've started thinking clearly in a separate place about that too. i take care not to hamper or choke the thought with selfishness or too many limits or self righteousness. in many many cases this has brought actual results in the real world. there is something here. very engaged with it right now. also the thought of actively asking to better me every day, clean and grow my mind/heart/soul/gut. that is perhaps what i am supposed to do.

namaste. may you find feel and be one with your "is".

to is or not to is,
that is the question.

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