Monday, January 29, 2007

in the middle of

a right royal job search.
i am looking for a job. yet again. but this time it is truly different from all the other times. this time i'm doing it the way it is supposed to be done: while still employed, still working at my present job. this is a first for me but this i believe is the way adult (more importantly, thinking) citizens of the world seek (and have always, as in from time immemorial, sought) a change of employment. never having been the thinking sort, this simple fact has eluded me till now. which is why possibly i have never been a "success" professionally; never been seriously promoted; never doubled my salary. in fact, i have actually remained copywriter for 15 years with minor bouts of juniorness and seniorness. what's more, i have succeeded in halving my salary (almost) by going parttime, then have committed the unthinkable sin of working for more or less the same pay for over five years. all of these things apparently are just what you never do if you want to be a success in your career. now they tell me.
regardless, or as it is said more colourfully here in singapore irregardless of which i am looking for a good, nah great, job as a writer. in advertising, in a magazine, on a website, wherever. as long as i am required to write and not just string words together so that it seems like writing.
the job search has begun on an auspicious note. a solid fight: over the resume. o how i dislike those strung together words. you are asked to "write" a resume. try writing and everything is a problem, because when you write, your individualness, your youness tends to surface. resumes are everyperson things. individuality is suspect, scary, a surefire way to get rejected. so people who love you and have been good at understanding and accepting company/corporate ways tell you to change your resume. how do you tell them but how can a writer sound like a tinker tailor soldier sailor corporate success? if there's not even a single thing written there the way i write how will it be the resume of a writer?
but i'm determined to see this search through. so off to look at that resume thing. in the meantime, if you hear of anyone looking for a 46 year old who can think (well in my own way), ponder, come up with decent ideas, and yes write, please direct them to this blog.

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