Monday, April 05, 2010

"does anyone read your blog?" trust my boss to ask this tricky question. of course, no one reads my blog. or maybe they do. i don't know. sometimes a very kind friend/aunt tells me, "o i read your last one, you must keep writing." yeah, sometimes even that happens. but really these blog entries are not about getting read. they're more about getting written.
every day my part time mon-fri job makes me write for others. i'm just a commercial writer. my sentiments, my feelings, my sense of words, nothing matters. i write for someone else. what they like goes to print. and usually what thems are a-likin', i ain't. ("again you're going on about yourself," the boss would sigh.)
but these entries are here because this is what i would like to write. i want to write. yes, this is what i want. i like saying that. i do. ever thought how little we, you and i (are you there? is someone reading my blog?) get to do in our lives that we really want to do?

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